Generally depends on SIS permissions, but it is possible to override SIS permissions.
The IDOE’s Data Exchange/LINK Initiative is also based on the Ed-Fi data standard. However, they are using the data standard and Operational Data Store slightly differently. The state is using a read-only Operational Data Store, which means that the data flow will be one way: the state will flow state-reporting data into the state Operational Data Store (one for all districts), but districts cannot get their data out of the Operational Data Store (i.e., it does not enable interoperability at the district level). See our January 2021 webinar on the Resources page.
This depends on your SIS vendor. Some SIS vendors require more time/effort than others in order to get your data mapped from the SIS to Ed-Fi and other similar tasks. However, we are constantly advocating for districts to SIS vendors, requesting more streamlined processes.
In addition, this depends on the capacity of your district technology staff (especially for PowerSchool and Skyward districts). We can train your staff to do the basic technical requirements, but having at least one staff person who is very knowledgeable of your SIS will make these processes easier and quicker. Fewer technical processes will be required from Harmony districts.
The first 2 years of this initiative (2018-2019) were primarily supported by external funding from the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation. Years 2020-22 are supported with scaffolded funding from MSDF. The project will be financially self-sufficient with a minimum number of students (represented by member districts). This number is approximately 200,000 students. The project is also financially supported by the Indiana University School of Education.