Dr. Andrew Gibbons
Professor Emeritus, Brigham Young University
11:00 – 11:50 a.m.
Andrew S Gibbons (Professor Emeritus, Brigham Young University) served 13 years as department chair in Instructional Psychology and Technology at Brigham Young University. Prior to that, he was a faculty member at Utah State University. He led large-scale instructional design projects in the military and industry for 18 years at Wicat Systems, Inc. and Courseware Inc. (now Andersen Consulting).
Dr. Gibbons’ work has included training development projects, re-engineering of the ISD development process, computer-based instruction, military and commercial aviation training, development, and research and development of instructional simulations. Dr. Gibbons’ current research focuses on the architecture of instructional designs. He has published a design theory of model-centered instruction, proposed a general layering theory of instructional design, and is currently studying the use of design languages in relation to design layers as a means of creating instructional systems that are adaptive, generative, and scalable. Most recently, Dr. Gibbons has been promoting a new learning theory of prospection, and its application, at a time when new theories of intelligent tools are emerging to collide within the creative space. His book, “An Architectural Approach to Instructional Design” (Routledge) describes approaches for obtaining instruction that is adaptive, generative, and modular.