Goal 1: Develop and disseminate educational resources across contexts and populations.
Service, Leadership, and Outreach

Goal 1: Develop and disseminate educational resources across contexts and populations.
- Identify the needs and priorities of communities to cultivate meaningful interactions between communities and the School of Education.
- Establish an annual calendar of events that will be delivered to address topics pertinent to communities.
- Identify relevant research/expertise, school spaces, and personnel to collaborate with students, families, and community members.
- Work with communities to develop processes/structures that enable them to request resources and/or intellectual contributions to supplement the supplies, knowledge, and expertise possessed by community members.
- Regularly engage with the state relations team and state and local leaders and advocates to identify salient issues and priorities for community members to remove/mitigate societal and systemic barriers to education, health, wellness, and long-term development.
Goal 2: Increase the existing number and variety of schools, community settings, and other organizations engaged with the SOE in local, state, national and international collaborative partnerships.
- Conduct a survey and interviews with relevant personnel about existing collaborative partnerships.
- Report the number of active partnerships, their purpose, and the demographics of those involved in creating and maintaining it and of the populations served.
- In collaboration with the SOE’s Faculty Affairs and Development Committee, develop a procedure for rewarding faculty for outreach activities during their annual review.
- Work with existing technology support to create a collaborative web presence.
- Secure external funding to support new partnerships and community-based initiatives.
- Expand collaborations with other campus units engaged in community-based collaborations.
- Build relationships with government entities through high-quality interactions and collaborative actions.
- Highlight through stories/marketing current partnerships and collaborations across the entire spectrum of life-long learning (e.g., undergraduate, graduate, adult, corporate partnership).
- Grow the school identity through promotional activities among students, staff, faculty, and alumni to increase our reputation among our peers and colleagues.
Goal 3: Engage strategically with diverse stakeholders (e.g., local schools, community organizations, etc.) to advocate, nurture, and expand just and equitable learning opportunities for all students, families, and communities.
- Cultivate and secure external funding for Research Practice Partnerships (RPPs) focused on pressing problems of practice for educators and other professionals working with children, youth, and college-age populations.
- Build and leverage existing partnerships with school districts and other educational agencies to address educator recruitment challenges in underserved communities.
- Develop undergraduate service experiences that position IU students as advocates for social change, educational attainment, and economic enhancement.
- Advocate for equitable resources for public education.
- Develop a strategic plan for national and international engagement.
- Conduct research with international partners.
- Connect with international alumni network to explore new partnership and service-related opportunities.