C&I Graduate Research Symposium

C&I Graduate Research Symposium

The Curriculum and Instruction Graduate Research Symposium (GRaS) is defined as an open space for graduate students to engage in a reflective dialogue concerning their research work at different stages of development. While the symposium aims to provide supportive feedback to all graduate students in the department, the presentations will be developed toward reaching a rigorous observation of the inquiry process that scholars are developing in their respective fields of study. All students in the C&I in-person and online graduate programs are encouraged to submit proposals.

Welcome to newly admitted students

The Curriculum and Instruction faculty and graduate student community want to extend a special welcome to all prospective students who will be joining us for the showcase of graduate student research at GRaS. In addition to the symposium events, newly admitted students will have the opportunity to meet with temporary advisors, faculty in the program areas, and current students to explore our community and ask questions as we get to know each other as we celebrate the schoalrly work of our graduate students. Additional details will be sent via email, but newly admitted students are always welcome to contact Dr. Kathryn Engebretson at kenge@iu.edu with any questions.