Whether you are just starting your journey or changing your direction, we are here to help you achieve your professional goals and thrive as you transition from college to career.
Resources designed to support you every step of the way.
Get One-On-One Career Coaching
No matter where you are in your professional journey, now is a great time to use Handshake to schedule a career coaching appointment.
Explore Careers in Education
If you're curious about careers in education and want to explore more on your own, this is the place to do it!
Extracurricular Experiences
Leverage your employment, engagement in campus life, volunteering, and other activities to grow your knowledge and skills as a professional.
Workshops and Trainings
Connect with professional educators, alumni, and experts during our topical, interactive workshops! Get the trainings you need for Indiana teacher licensure!
Job Search Guidebook
From resume and cover letter development to wowing future employers in interviews, it's all here!
Additional resources
Signature Events
Student Teaching Fair
This is an opportunity for schools to advertise their schools and communities to our pre-service teachers.
Health and Human Services Career Day
This is a great opportunity to make connections with employers in the health and human service industries.
Interview Day
This is a unique opportunity for students to learn about school districts from around the country and gain interview experience without leaving campus.
Not a current student?
Our Team
Austin Cobb
Data Analyst
Taylor Levell
Director, Career Connections
Shawn Wilson
Assistant Director of Career Readiness and Wellness
Contact us
ED 1000
(812) 856-8500