HOPE Training Modules

HOPE Training Modules

The HOPE training modules prepare prospective mentors to effectively build a relationship and create appropriate activities for their weekly sessions. The five modules and their objective are described below. Access the Training Modules document here.

Module 1 - HOPE Mentoring Basics

  • Familiarize oneself with the HOPE Program structure and goals
  • Learn about the expectations of being a HOPE volunteer
  • Consider the reasons why mentoring is important
  • Explore your personal identity and how that may play a role in mentoring

Module 2 - Meet the Mentees

  • Explore the stages of a mentoring relationship, and skills that will be important to have/develop for successful mentoring
  • Learn about the behaviors that are typical for adolescents, specifically offender populations
  • Understand the characteristics and developmental features of the juveniles involved in the mentoring program
  • Consider how the developmental characteristics of adolescents impacts their behavior

Module 3 - Developing Mentor Skills 

  • Learn about personal communication habits and ways to improve communication with mentees
  • Develop skills that will be important to have for successful mentoring
  • Learn how to set and maintain healthy boundaries within the mentoring relationship & understand why they're necessary

Module 4 - Planning Meaningful Activities

  • Familiarize yourself with resources in the community your mentee might utilize when they're released from corrections
  • Become acquainted with resources and on the HOPE website which will help you develop activity plans
  • Practice creating activities

Module 5 - Responsible Mentoring

  • Learn how to set and maintain healthy boundaries within the mentoring relationship & understand why they’re necessary
  • Practice thinking through how you might react during different mentoring situations that pertain to boundary setting and sensitive topics 

Module 6 - Developing Mentoring Skills

  • Continue practicing skills that will be important for successful mentoring
  • Practice identifying resources in the community your mentee might utilize when they are released from corrections

To be completed during the mentoring relationship, as the mentor prepares for their mentee to be released to the community. 

Module 7 - Planning for Community Mentoring 

  • Review the guidelines, regulations, expectations and resources for community mentoring
  • Plan and prepare for your mentee's release to the community