About Us

About HOPE Mentoring

One promising way to combat recidivism is mentoring, a research-backed method to reduce juvenile crime rates and reduce re-offending.

HOPE Mentoring pairs incarcerated juveniles with college mentors who will support the student in their efforts to avoid recidivism by obtaining and maintaining employment.

Mentors first receive training from qualified professionals to ensure volunteer readiness. Then, through weekly meetings, mentors help their mentees look for employment or educational opportunities, explore different paths for their future, and provide positive, encouraging role-models who will work to instill a sense of hope in their mentees. HOPE mentors start their work beginning in the correctional facility, following mentees out into their communities upon release.

Our aim is to lower recidivism rates and empower juveniles by giving them the skills they need to obtain employment and stay out of the correctional system.

Help empower the youth in our Indiana communities, and gain invaluable personal experience as a student and future employee, by getting involved today.