Deadline: March 18, 2024
(Awards will be announced before the end of the semester)
The School of Education has established an annual Proffitt Summer Faculty Fellowship Program to support faculty members of the School of Education who are engaged in, or are proposing to engage in, any aspect of significant educational research. Consistent with regulations of the Endowment, the grants are to be used to support research related to teaching, learning and curriculum that have implications for early childhood, elementary or secondary education.
Quality of the research is the primary criterion for award of the fellowships. Priority will be given to pre-tenure faculty members, but all faculty members are encouraged to apply.
The following guidelines apply:
- Applicants must be tenured or tenure-track faculty or have an appointment as clinical faculty of the Indiana University IUB or IUPUI School of Education.
- Faculty members who received Proffitt Summer Faculty Fellowship money in the precedingsummer are not eligible to apply.
- Fellowship holders are expected to devote full-time for a minimum of eight successive weeks on the proposed research.
- We anticipate that 2-3 fellowships will be funded.
- Each fellowship carries an award of $10,000.
- In accordance with University policy, the fellowship stipend plus wages and summer salaries resulting from research or other permitted activities is normally limited to 27.5 percent of your previous academic year salary.
- Any proposed research activity involving the use of human subjects must have a completed “research protocol involving human subjects” approved by the campus committee before funding will be released.
- Proposed research activities must relate to teaching, learning and curriculum and have implications for early childhood, elementary or secondary education. A wide range of research activities have been funded in the past and will be considered in this competition.
The fellowship program is administered by the Office of Research and Development in conjunction with the School of Education Research, Development and External Partnership Committee.
The RD&EP Committee would like to remind faculty that they may apply to EITHER the Proffitt Grant competition or the Proffitt Summer Faculty Fellowship but not both in any given year.
Reporting Requirements
A final report MUST be sent to the Office of Research and Development ( no later than six months after the conclusion of the award period. The final report form can be obtained from R&D.
Failure to complete the final report will make the grant PI ineligible to compete for any internal grant program.
You will be expected to present your research at an upcoming School-sponsored event and printing cost of one poster for internal grants poster session will be provided.
Application Procedures
Excellence of the proposed scholarship is the major criterion employed in the evaluation procedure. Please be concise and clear in your proposal.
Restrictions: SFF recipients are expected to devote eight weeks of full-time research to their projects; teaching or administrative duties during this time are not allowed. Total compensation for the summer (including SFF) is normally limited to 27.5 percent of the previous year’s salary. SFF awards are made for one year only; funds may not be “banked” for use in subsequent years.
A complete application consists of:
- The proposal prepared by the candidate
Proposals should describe the project in concise and jargon-free terms and must not exceed seven double-spaced pages. The description should make clear the specific aims and purpose of the project, its scope and presumed contribution to knowledge and a definite plan of work. If a proposal is currently submitted for review by any other funding source(s), the other funding source(s) must be noted in the proposal. - A current curriculum vitae
NOTE: Unlike in previous years, we are not asking for letters of support.
Evaluation of proposal: Members of the School of Education Research, Development and External Partnership Committee will review applications and make recommendations to the Associate Dean for Research and Development on funding. The committee members will rate each proposal on the basis of (1) originality, (2) significance, (3) quality of concept and planning, (4) competence of investigator, and (5) prospects of accomplishment.
Report on Summer Accomplishments: All faculty members who are awarded Summer Faculty Fellowships are required to submit a brief report of the activities supported by the fellowship. The report is due to the R&D Office within six months of the completion of the fellowship. You will be expected to present your research at an upcoming School sponsored event.
If you have questions, please contact R&D office at