Round 1 (Faculty): Submit tools here by February 15, 2025
Round 2 (Graduate Students): Submit applications here by March 22, 2025
Many of the funded projects through the CRLT create technology tools that support student learning. The goal of the Technology Mini Grant program is to incentivize other researchers (primarily graduate students) on campus to conduct their own studies with these tools, helping to generate additional evidence of their use, citations to the publications about them, and ideas or collaborations for follow-up grants.
Faculty within the CRLT are eligible to submit the tools they have developed as part of their CRLT-funded grants for each round of funding, along with a description of what they hope to gain from the study done with the tool. The purpose of this program is to further research on the use of the tool rather than to continue developing it. Areas for development and improvement may be identified in the study and detailed in the final report for future work on the tool.
Once the tool is accepted for inclusion in the mini-grant program, the faculty member will help evaluate applications from graduate students and will then manage the relationship with the grantee. Graduate students who are working on the team developing the tool are not eligible to apply to conduct a study with it.
Funding will be provided directly to the awardee as hourly pay, and the amount will be proposed as part of the graduate student's budget. The duration of the grant period is 6 months, with a report due a year from the grant period start date.
All submitted tools will be accepted for inclusion in the program by the CRLT staff so long as they are funded via the CRLT and the descriptions are clear. A team of faculty including the tool authors / owners will evaluate and rank proposals based on what is submitted. Final decisions will be made by the CRLT director based on feedback from the team of faculty.
The awardees will be asked to provide a report at the end of the grant period, which will be shared with the tool author. Tool owners will be asked to fill out a brief survey of the experience.
Contact Emily Clark ( with questions.