Research Highlights

Changing lives through groundbreaking research and inspiring engagement

The crucial work we do as educators starts in the classroom. There, we inspire students to become cancer researchers, encourage them to find ways to end teacher shortages, or simply expose them to books that represent who they are. These highlights are just a small part of some of the work we’ve done this year to make education better in our communities and around the world.


Anastasia (Stacy) Morrone
Dean, Indiana University Bloomington School of Education

Synergy in Science brings together local teachers and IU scientists to develop STEM lessons

This project is designed to provide local high school science teachers with professional development on effective STEM integration and partner the participating teachers with IU scientists to co-design authentic STEM lessons and activities.

Researcher presents findings to a group of participants

The IU School of Education remains one of the nation's top-ranked graduate schools in education
