A new project will combine the expertise of middle school science teachers with scientists across IU to create STEM lessons for students.
Synergy in Science: Bridging Classrooms and Laboratories is designed to provide Monroe County Community School Corporation (MCCSC) high school science teachers with professional development on effective STEM integration and partner the participating teachers with Indiana University scientists to co-design authentic STEM lessons and activities. The project’s approach of having teachers and scientists co-design lessons ensures that the lessons contain accurate and cutting-edge science content and that the lessons address the needs of teachers and students. Participating IU scientists represent the departments of earth and atmospheric sciences, biology, chemistry, and physics.
Adam Scribner, Director of STEM Education Initiatives, said the project has mutual benefits: scientists will provide science content knowledge and real-world contexts for learning to the teachers, while the participating teachers will help IU scientists communicate their cutting-edge research to broader audiences. For example, a sample lesson plan from a past project included having students use machine learning to program devices to recognize and record bird calls to survey local bird populations. All projects will align to the Indiana Academic Standards for Integrated STEM pertaining to data analysis and measurement and problem solving.