Find a Job
Start your career
You have the experience, but now you need to invest time and energy into marketing yourself as an asset to future employers. Let them know that you are the best fit by knowing your audience, telling your story, and underscoring your accomplishments.
Schedule a career coaching appointment with us to review your application materials, job search strategies, and even do a mock interview to practice your pitch. Here are additional suggestions:
- Review our Career Connections Job Search Guidebook to learn about Career Connections, resumes, cover letters, interviewing, and more! Grad students and those interested in academia should review our Curriculum Vitae Guide
- Enroll in M202 Job Search Strategies to receive college credit for preparing for the job search, as well as a copy of the American Association for Employment in Education Job Search Handbook.
- All students are welcome to attend our fall Student Teaching Fair to network with our key P-12 partner school districts.
- If you plan to teach, attend our spring Interview Day.
- If you are a CASS major, counseling graduate student, or just interested in work outside the classroom, attend our Health & Human Services Career Day.
- Create a LinkedIn account to help network with others professionally. Connect with professionals you already know and join groups such as the IU School of Education Alumni Network.
- Use Interstride, a global job search platform. Find country insights for working abroad, learn about US visa insights for non US citizens, search jobs and employers who sponsor candidates, and take advantage of informative webinars.
- Doctoral students can get connected with academic and industry jobs with Intellect Bay.