
Domain 4: Recruitment

Goal 4a: The SoE community will increase the number of historically excluded faculty, staff, and students hired and retained.

Goal 4b: SoE community will actively recruit faculty from historically excluded populations

Strategic Actions/Initiatives

  • Recruit historically excluded faculty.
  • Retain historically excluded faculty. Develop a search “toolkit” of comprehensive guidelines for faculty searches and a toolkit to explore creative options to attract historically excluded faculty.
  • Develop a culture and practices of hiring, funding, and supporting students from historically excluded populations.

Best Practices1

  • Require hiring committee to participate in workshop/trainings (e.g., implicit bias).
  • Educate members of the hiring unit so that they understand how they can constructively contribute to a successful search with a diverse pool of faculty applicants.
  • Modify the search process (e.g., job postings and visit schedules) to better match the needs and interests of faculty of color and those from historically excluded groups.
  • Ensure a diverse search committee with members who understand how diversity is a priority for the hiring unit.
  • Utilize faculty networks to build a more diverse pool of applicants.
  • Network with current and potential faculty of color and those from historically excluded groups at other institutions, which may even include inviting individuals to campus prior to a search.
  • Consider the full range of faculty candidate qualities and how those qualities could contribute to the goals of the hiring unit and the SoE’s goals of increasing representation across a range of identities.
  • Engage in open communication with faculty candidates about the strengths and challenges of the hiring unit, school, and community.
  • Connect faculty candidates to people across campus and in the community who share their interests and potential concerns when they visit campus.
  • Consider alternatives to “regular” search processes (e.g., targeted hiring, cluster hiring, post-doc positions) to increase the number of faculty of color hires and those from historically underrepresented groups.

Planned Actions and Metrics

Strategic Action/Initiative Metric Responsible Unit(s) Timeframe
Recruit historically excluded faculty.The number of faculty from historically excluded populations as reported annually.Lead: Dean’s Office, Executive Associate Dean

Support: SoE Faculty, and SoE Department Chairs
Retain historically excluded facultyNumber of historically excluded faculty retained each year.

Processes or policies developed to support retention.
Lead: Faculty Development Committee

Support: ODEI, Committee on Diversity, Chairs / Departments
Continually refine a search “toolkit” of comprehensive guidelines for faculty searches and a toolkit to explore creative options to attract historically excluded faculty.“Toolkit” developed and used during searches.Lead: ODEI

Support: Committee on Diversity
Develop a culture and practices of hiring, funding, and supporting students from historically excluded groups.Progress via annual reports on the proportion of students who are recruited, admitted, and funded who are from historically excluded populations.Lead: Graduate Studies

Support: ODEI, Committee on Diversity
Ongoing beginning in Fall 2023
Develop a culture and practices of hiring and supporting diverse staff.Progress via annual reports on the proportion of staff who are from historically excluded populations.Lead: EAD

Support: ODEI, Committee on Diversity
Ongoing beginning in Fall 2023

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1 Some of the best practices included were informed by the following: