MAKEngineering Bags
Adam Maltese
This Sparks project proposes to design, develop and refine “MAKEngineer” take-home bags that provide learning experiences for patrons across the lifespan. Our focus is on developing bags that will engage children and their families/caregivers in local underserved communities, as well as considering the logistics of circulation and sustainability of the bags. The Center for Research on Learning and Technology (CRLT) at Indiana University (lead organization), in partnership with Monroe County Public Library and WonderLab Museum are requesting $24,966 to address the following IMLS goals: promote museums and libraries as strong community anchors that enhance civic engagement, cultural opportunities, and economic vitality while promoting the use of emerging technologies (i.e., making, DIY electronics) to facilitate discovery of knowledge. We expect this project to have a national impact in that schools and public libraries, as well as museums, will be able to adapt and build upon our research-based bags and materials within various contexts.