Terrence Mason

Professor and Dean Emeritus

Curriculum and Instruction
Academic Programs:
Elementary Education; Social Studies Education
ED 3228
(812) 856-8190
Curriculum Vitae

About Me

I am currently a professor in the IU School of Education after serving as two years as its dean (2016-18) and one year as interim dean (2015-16). From 2004 to 2012 I was director of the Center for Social Studies and International Education and have served the university as Associate Dean of Faculties (2005-07) and Associate Vice Provost for Research (2012-14). My primary research interests are social studies, civic education and teacher education. I have directed Indiana University’s participation in several USAID-funded projects including the Afghanistan Higher Education Project (2006- 2011), the Macedonia Primary Education Project (2006-2010), and the South Sudan Higher Education Initiative for Equity and Leadership Development (2013-2015).


  • Ph.D., University of California at Los Angeles, Graduate School of Education, Educational Psychology, 1986
  • M. A., University of California at Los Angeles, Graduate School of Education, Early Childhood and Developmental Studies, 1982
  • B.A., University of California at Los Angeles, History, 1972

Recent Publications

  • Mason. T.C. Helfenbein R. J. (Eds.) (2012). Ethics and International Curriculum Work: The Challenges of Culture and Context, Charlotte, NC:Information Age Publishing.
  • Mason, T. C. (2012). Ethics and democracy education across borders: The case of Civitas International. In Mason, T.C. Helfenbein R. J. (Eds.) Ethics and International Curriculum Work: The Challenges of Culture and Context, Charlotte, NC:Information Age Publishing, 3-23.
  • Mason, T.C. & Delandshere, G. (2010). Citizens not research subjects: Toward a more democratic civic education inquiry methodology. Inter-American Journal of Education for Democracy, 3, (1), 5-26.

Conference Presentations

  • Mason, T. C. (2018). Teacher education for promoting democratic citizenship in Thailand. Keynote address at the Srinakharinwirot University conference on “Innovation in Education for Sustainability.” Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Mason, T. C. (2017). Current Issues in Teacher Education in the U.S.: Implications for China. Beijing Normal University, China.
  • Engebretson, K. E., Mason, T., & Benitez, A. (2015). “Strengthening the sisterhood: Building peace and social cohesion through education in South Sudan”. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies. New Orleans, LA. November.
  • Mason, T. C. (2015). The role of colleges of education in the preparation of teachers in the U.S.: Implications for Saudi Arabia. Keynote Address presented at the King Saud University conference on “Future Teachers: Preparation and Development.” Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, October.
  • Mason, T. & Engebretson, K. E. (2015). “Peace-building, women’s leadership, and educational development in South Sudan.” World Education Research Association. Budapest, Hungary. September.
  • Mason, T.C., Benitez, A., & Helfenbein, R. J. (2013, April) Beyond Myth and Memory: Fostering Inter-Cultural Dialogue with Turkish and Armenian Teachers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
  • Mason, T.C. (2012, April). Kites over Kabul: Rebuilding teacher education in Afghanistan. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, Canada.

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