
The Latest News

From creating lessons for students at Rogers Elementary to traveling with the basketball team as a member of the Big Red Basketball Band, Rosamaria McMahon stays busy and dedicated to her work at IU.

The prestigious Outstanding Future Educator Award given by the Indiana Association of Colleges for Teacher Education to teacher candidates who excel academically and in student teaching, and show excellent professional promise.

If you visit the Campus Cafe in the Wright building, you’ll find four flavors of Teatulia tea available for purchase. In March over spring break, three IU students and two staff members traveled to Bangladesh, where they visited the tea garden that tea is sourced from.

Last month, students from the special education program came together in a research symposium that showcased their important work. The annual event included poster sessions and oral presentations from several students.

As policymakers and members of the media become more reliant on thought leaders and other opinion-shapers of public policy, a new report from the Center for Evaluation and Education Policy cautions that some of the most influential figures at research organizations have little to no expertise or training on the issues they speak on.

A new installation has gone up in the Atrium of the Wright Education Building, bringing even better technological capabilities to the IU School of Education community. The IQ-Wall is a large format, ultra-high resolution, tiled video display system developed by the UITS Advanced Visualization Lab.