Frank Perrone

Associate Professor

Center for Evaluation and Educational Policy; Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Academic Programs:
Educational Leadership; History, Philosophy, and Policy in Education
Research Areas:
Leadership preparation; principal's role in teacher development and career trajectories; education policy
ED 4222
(812) 856-8254
Curriculum Vitae

About Me

I am an Associate Professor of Educational Leadership in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies. I earned my undergraduate degree in English from Indiana University (’04) and my Ph.D. in Administration and Supervision from the University of Virginia (’17). Before entering academia, I taught and worked as a teacher leader in public, private, and charter school settings in the United States and abroad, most recently in Philadelphia.

My primary research interests include principal preparation, education policy, and the principal’s role in teacher career trajectories, including teacher recruitment, fit, growth, and retention. My recent research on these topics has been published in Educational Administration Quarterly, Educational Researcher, and Journal of Educational Administration, among other journals.

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