First Part Question Topics
2022-2023 List
For use from July 1, 2022 thru June 30, 2023
Prepared by: Lucy LePeau
Advisors will narrow this list down for each student taking the qualifying exam. The advisor will pick between 4 and 6 topics, making sure that the topic is not closely related to the topic for the second question, which typically focuses on the student’s dissertation research interests.
- Student loan debt
- The minoritized college student experience (narrow to a particular population)
- Faculty development
- Academic freedom and freedom of speech in academia
- Fundraising and philanthropy in higher education
- Recruitment and retention of faculty of color
- Co-curricular and out-of-class student learning (emphasis on strengths and limitations of a particular High Impact Practice)
- Internationalization of higher education
- Performance-based funding in higher education
- Influence of COVID19 on teaching and learning
- Legal and policy environment for higher education
- Role of Special Mission institutions in higher education
- Student activism in higher education (graduate or undergraduate)
- Contingent faculty