School Psychology Student Testimonials

Ed.S. in School Psychology

Student Testimonials

The IU School Psychology program has successfully provided me with the contextual knowledge base needed to begin practicing within the field. Between course content and exposure to in-the-field work, I have gained tangible skills that may be applied in a school setting. Furthermore, the peer-network provided by my cohort has been invaluable, acting as a pillar of stability and support that I am forever grateful for.

Nathaniel Chase Branam

Being a member of the IU School Psychology program has helped me to develop a passion for making a positive difference in the lives of children and adolescents. The coursework was challenging yet engaging, providing a solid foundation in various domains of psychology, assessment techniques, intervention strategies and ethical considerations. The program has also emphasized the importance of cultural competence, equipping us with the skills to work effectively with diverse populations. The opportunity to engage in hands-on experiences, such as field placements and internships has helped bridge the gap between theory and practice. I am grateful for the knowledge, skills and experiences I gained during my time in the program.

Abigail Jane Noel

Being in the school psychology graduate program has provided me with the knowledge and skills necessary to become a successful and competent school psychologist. The faculty members within the program are incredibly supportive and dedicated to my learning and growth throughout my time in the program. One of the highlights of the program was the hands-on experience I received through various practicum placement opportunities. Lastly, I cannot express enough how grateful I am for the positive cohort experience. From the moment we started the program, I felt a sense of support from my fellow classmates as we celebrated each other's successes and provided encouragement during moments of uncertainty.

Rebeca Maria Hayes