HESA Qualifying Exam Topics 2024-2025

First Part Question Topics
2024-2025 List

For use from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025
Prepared by: Cindy Ann Kilgo

Advisors will narrow this list down for each student taking the qualifying exam. The advisor will pick between 4 and 6 topics, making sure that the topic is not closely related to the topic for the second question, which typically focuses on the student’s dissertation research interests.

  1. DEI state legislation impacting higher education
  2. Creating equitable high-impact practices
  3. Faculty governance
  4. Student activism in higher education
  5. The use of technology in higher education (e.g., AI, online platforms)
  6. LGBTQ+ students in higher education
  7. Mental health of college students
  8. Federal student financial aid policy (e.g., federal student loan forgiveness, Pell Grants)
  9. College admissions policies and practices (e.g., test-optional policies, holistic admissions)
  10. Recruiting and retaining faculty of color
  11. Public perception of higher education
  12. Counterspaces on college campuses
  13. Grading and “ungrading” practices
  14. Labor organizing on college campuses
  15. Paying college athletes to participate (e.g., Names, images, and likenesses (NIL) deals for college athletes)
  16. College rankings
  17. Minority-Serving Institutions