HESA Qualifying Exam Topics 2023-2024

First Part Question Topics
2023-2024 List

For use from July 1, 2023 thru June 30, 2024
Prepared by: Thomas F. Nelson Laird

Advisors will narrow this list down for each student taking the qualifying exam. The advisor will pick between 4 and 6 topics, making sure that the topic is not closely related to the topic for the second question, which typically focuses on the student’s dissertation research interests.

  1. Discounting tuition
  2. Reducing student loan debt
  3. Creating gender justice in higher education
  4. Improving college teaching accounting for disciplinary differences
  5. Compensating student athletes
  6. Protecting academic freedom
  7. Creating equitable high-impact practices
  8. Influencing higher education through philanthropy
  9. Recruiting and retaining faculty of color
  10. Reimagining liberal education
  11. Evaluating the value of co-curricular and/or out-of-class student learning
  12. Internationalizing higher education research
  13. Leading morally in higher education
  14. Funding special mission institutions of higher education
  15. Adapting to the impending “enrollment cliff”
  16. Organizing/unionizing among graduate student workers
  17. Preserving or ending tenure for faculty