Tulana Ariyaratne

Ph.D. in Science Education

Hingurakgoda, Sri Lanka

Where did you complete your undergraduate studies?
University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

Why did you choose to attend IU Bloomington?
Most importantly my Science Education PhD program is the one of the best programs in the nation and well reputed.

What should prospective students know about your IU School of Education graduate program?
IU is a great place to accomplish your future educational goal. It's well known.

What has been your favorite academic accomplishment since starting your IU Bloomington program?
Selection to the PhD program is itself an accomplishment to me. I am feeling accomplished to work with well known professionals in the field.

What is the best thing about life in Bloomington?
Being gay and brown skinned, I wanted to study for my Ph.D. in a place where the hate is minimum. Bloomington, IN is a very accepting welcoming and diverse place. It's not a big city. But there are plenty of things to do in the town and around.