Early Childhood Education
B.S.Ed. in Early Childhood Education
This program leads to dual Indiana state teaching licenses for teaching young children in infant/toddler and preschool settings or K–3rd grade classrooms and prepares teachers for inclusive settings, with students taking a concentration of coursework in early intervention and special education. Students will gain invaluable practice through field experiences and student teaching with children who represent a diversity of cultures, ethnicities and abilities.
Program highlights:
- Focus on child development emphasizing a developmental focus toward understanding children
- Emphasis on family-centered practices and supporting young children and families in an increasingly complex global society
- Practical, hands-on, teaching and leadership experience in programs serving young children and families
- Options for diverse experiences through Global Gateway for Teachers
T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Indiana scholarships are available for early childhood education professionals who work 30 hours or more per week in the state of Indiana.
After being admitted to IU Bloomington through the Office of Admissions, students must apply to Teacher Education Program (TEP). After completing further program-specific requirements, students may be admitted to the Teacher Education Program (TEP). Admission to TEP is competitive; meeting minimum admission requirements is necessary but not always sufficient for admission. Late applications are considered on a space-available basis.
Fall Term: March 1
Spring Term: October 1
We offer a range of scholarships for qualified students. Current students can be considered for most School of Education scholarships by completing one application each year.
We also encourage students to visit Student Central for information about financial assistance.
If you are a prospective student who applies to our Direct Admit Scholars program, you’ll be considered for scholarship opportunities as an entering freshman.
The program culminates in a semester-long student teaching experience in a K-3 classroom. There, you'll prepare lessons and assess student performance under the guidance of a mentor teacher.
You can also take on additional field engagements as early as your sophomore year (depending on your admissions status) through our early field experiences program.
The Early Childhood Education bachelor's degree leads to state teaching licenses in Early Childhood Education (infant/toddler through preschool) and K/Primary Grades (kindergarten through 3rd grade). A concentration in special education is included in the course work in the early childhood program.
Learn more about applying for your initial license.
When you graduate, you’ll have a specialized body of knowledge and skills that makes you highly valuable for a number of careers. You will be able to articulate and defend a point of view about teaching and curriculum planning, implementation, and assessment, as well as support young children and families for success in a multicultural, diverse society. Our early childhood graduates have successful careers in a variety of professional settings.
Specialized Course Preparation in Early Childhood Education Prepares Students for Careers as Professionals in:
- Care and education programs for children birth to age three across the United States and abroad including private, public, corporate programs, Head Start and Early Head Start;
- Early intervention programs serving infants/toddlers and preschoolers;
- Early childhood program administrators;
- Kindergarten – Grade 3 classrooms;
- A variety of clinical and community settings which serve young children and their families such as hospitals and county health organizations, YMCAs, libraries and museums;
- Local, county, state and federal governmental agencies; and
- National corporations (public television, publishing, etc.)
T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® scholarships are available for early childhood education professionals who work 30+ hours per week in Indiana.
Contact Us
Office of Teacher Education
ED 1000
(812) 856-8500