In conjunction with Indiana University, the School of Education is closely monitoring the rapidly evolving situation with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and is actively working to plan as the situation continues to evolve.
As we are approaching the end of the spring semester I hope that everyone is staying healthy and has developed creative ways of spending more time at home since the “Stay-at-Home Order” has been extended until May 1st.
I am sending this brief email to update you on the cancellation of a few events.
The School of Education Retirement Reception scheduled for April 23rd has also been cancelled but look for the upcoming testimonials about our faculty and staff retirees on the SoE website news page as well.
Finally, last fall, we had planned to have an all-school meeting on May 1st, and we considered briefly having this meeting online. After reflection though, and recognizing that everyone seems to be “zoomed-out,” it was decided to postpone it until early fall when hopefully we will be able to have a welcome back celebration.
Be well everyone and enjoy this sunny day.
Ginette Delandshere Executive Associate Dean
Wednesday, April 15
SUBJ: Updates from Executive Associate Dean Ginette Delandshere
Dear Colleagues,
At this point you are probably looking forward to the end of the semester and if you are teaching in the summer you already know that you will continue to teach online. Otherwise, you are probably wondering what to expect for fall. I know that there are many questions but as you would expect there are not yet many answers. However, the university leadership is working hard at trying to develop several possible models that might be possible for 2021 and we will update you as we are informed.
First let me provide some context for the situation in which we find ourselves, not just at IU, but nationwide and across the world. Here is an April 3rdarticle from the Chronicle of Higher Education that describes the possible steps that universities are currently considering for next fall.
This does not mean that everything considered in that article is being considered here – just possibilities.
In terms of IU updates:
As of now, according to COVID-19 modeling, the number of cases is supposed to peak in the first week of May, 2020, so it is still too early to decide what will happen in the fall
$12.4 million IUB ($30 Million for all of IU sites) COVID monies have been set aside to help with students’ financial burdens. These funds will go directly to students - (Domestic and International students are eligible). A process will be developed for students to apply for funds. More information to come.
Every unit in the university has been asked to prepare a base budget reduction of at least 5 percent or more.
The university is committed to giving P&T raises consistent, as much as possible, with what these have been in the past. Retention offers will be honored and have been approved by provost Robel.
So far summer undergraduate registration is up 25% for the campus as a whole. Graduate is only down 1%. This is based on point of time comparisons. Some of the fees have been reduced and late add and drop/add fees have been eliminated.
We will need to deal with funding of newly admitted graduate students as well as continuing graduate students, particularly international students who may not be able to come (or come back) to Bloomington by the beginning of the fall semester. We hear from international students that their first visa appointment at the U.S. Embassy may not be until October, so obviously they will not be here in the fall and maybe not even in the spring. How might we think of fellowships, AIships or GAships? What are possible solutions to this?
President McRobbie has created a“restart committee”to look at what it would take for us to get back to a more normal mode of operations. The committee is headed by Jay Hess, Dean of the Medical School, and also includes the Deans of Public Health at IUPUI and David Allison, the Dean of the School of Public Health at IUB. The message…this will be a decision based on public health and not financial reasons.
In spite of this situation, let’s keep a positive outlook. We are all in this together and we will come out of it together. All other institutions are in similar circumstances so let us find some creative solutions in this difficult time.
Stay well and stay the course.
Ginette Delandshere Executive Associate Dean
Tuesday, April 7
SUBJ: Updates from Executive Associate Dean Ginette Delandshere
Dear Colleagues,
How are you doing? Staying home? Teaching online? And above all staying healthy and keeping a positive outlook?
I have not heard much about what you are experiencing in the virtual classroom. Please feel free to share your experiences and lessons learned. Maybe we can record our stories or create a documentary!
I would like to remind you to be very flexible with students in your classes. We do not know in what kind of situations students are living, or what they are experiencing. We hear about anxiety, stress, hopelessness, so please be sensitive to their own individual conditions. Please do not assign “busy work” (some students have been complaining about this) just to assign work, and be thoughtful about what you are asking students to do under these difficult circumstances.
On a more logistical note, at a meeting of the EADs with VP Eliza Pavalko last Friday, we discussed the necessity to have a continuation plan for all instructors in the unfortunate event where someone would become ill. In order to do so, I am asking all instructors to please take the following steps as soon as possible—
Find two other instructors who could, and would agree to, finish teaching your courses if you were to get sick.
Send the names of these instructors, contact information and course number they could teach to your Department Administrator who will keep a spreadsheet with this information
Give access to your Canvas site and teaching materials to these two individuals
Also provide access to your Canvas site to a staff member in your department who could take care of some responsibilities (e.g., communicating with the new instructor) in case you are unable to do so.
Thank you for complying with this request. We need to make sure that we are ready, and that students can complete the courses they started this semester on time. If you plan to teach this summer, a similar continuation plan will also have to be put in place.
Let me sincerely thank you again for your extraordinary efforts to maintain the quality and integrity of our academic programs as we join together to confront this unprecedented challenge. When this is over, and it will be someday, we will emerge stronger for having been through this together.
Ginette Delandshere Executive Associate Dean
Thursday, April 2
SUBJ: Message from Dean Watson
Dear colleagues,
The School of Education has made it through another historical moment! Yes, we have learned, adapted and thrived this week as we continue to serve our students to the best of our abilities. Implementing such a large-scale shift is a complex process and is truly a testament to how strong of a family we are in the School of Education and at IU.
I would encourage you to keep up-to-date with the latest information from our federal, state and University websites, and to please continue to practice social distancing.
As I watch and read the news, I am touched in various ways about the suffering that the world is experiencing. Yet, I remain resilient and hopeful as I see ordinary people demonstrating extraordinary courage in their efforts to serve. I recognize that many are anxious, fearful and unsettled as we go through this unprecedented period in our history. My advice is to remain hopeful and know that our institutions of higher education have trained some of the best and brightest who will find a vaccine for COVID-19.
The SoE leadership team will continue to update you at least once a week about what we are doing to support students, faculty and the community. We continue to have our website available for questions and resources. I also recognize that keeping you engaged and our morale high are of primary importance during this transition.
Let’s all make a commitment to ensure that every person matters by fighting against stigma and discrimination during these times as well. While many around the world may be worried or anxious about COVID-19 spreading, we recognize that such fears and anxiety can lead to social stigma toward people of different national origins, people who have traveled to certain countries or people who have been quarantined. Any mistreatment of our students, colleagues or staff goes against our School of Education values. If you are aware of any such actions, please be sure to report it on our bias incident/safety issue form.
I remain encouraged as we move forward as a family and as we remain #IndianaStrong.
Lemuel W. Watson
Monday, March 30
SUBJ: All Teaching Online - Day 1
Dear Colleagues,
I hope that last week was a productive week getting ready for this new experiment. In a few hours, Monday (3/30), is the first day of all teaching online. Let’s hope that all software, hardware, servers, systems, internet providers, and so on work well under what will be extreme demands.
If you have requests for S/F grades, please make sure to consult with your department chair and Jill Shedd (for undergraduate courses) or Sarah Lubienski (for graduate courses).
For those of you who have an early field experience (EFE) attached to your course, please note that we reported earlier to the candidates and to you that all EFE placements have been cancelled as of March 20th. Please develop alternative experiences for remaining experiences and/or assignments that were not completed and post these on your course Canvas site. The academic advisors and Clinical Experiences staff will be directing candidates’ inquiries to your course Canvas site.
All AIs should give access to their Canvas sites to their faculty supervisors.
Be sure to have read the message sent by Provost Robel on Friday (3/27/2020 at 8:18 AM) as it contains important information about flattening the curve, public health, summer classes and Extensions of Time for Probationary Academic Employees among other things.
Finally please make sure to let me know if you become aware of a student, faculty or staff who has been affected by Covid-19.
Be well and be brave!
Ginette Delandshere Executive Associate Dean
Friday, March 27
SUBJ: Changes to SOE policies regarding taking equipment home from your office on campus
Hi everyone!
I hope this finds you healthy and adjusting to our new work from home reality.
In this ever changing environment we find ourselves in there are times we will have to reevaluate our decisions and change them when appropriate. There have been various requests to remove items from offices to take home to make your adjustment to working at home easier. We originally set out some guidelines for what could be removed but upon further review we need to change our position.
If you have some equipment in your office you feel is essential to you being able to work at home you can now take it with the following understanding:
You will assume responsibility for whatever you remove. The expectation would be that when we return to work as normal that you would replace everything that you removed so your office would be the same as before and you would not require new or replacement equipment at that time.
If you require ETS support for whatever you needed please understand that ETS will prioritize as follows:
Instructional support – getting our classes on line and being sure all students have access to those classes
General connectivity – assisting faculty, staff and students with the essentials to be able to satisfactorily connect to all University systems
Peripheral equipment – be it a monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc., that would supplement a basic set-up
You must notify the School of whatever you are removing. All equipment you plan to take home should be sent to ETS ( Any other items please notify the Finance Office ( It would also be helpful if you gave your supervisor/manager/department chair a courtesy heads up about your plan.
Just a reminder – a number of items you might want or think you need can be very fragile and/or awkward. We say that because the LAST thing we want happening is for you to injure yourself trying to move something you think you might need. So, if you decide to take something, please social distance, come into the school, get what you need and get out and by all means BE CAREFUL.
Thanks everyone – this also applies to Graduate Students who are teaching or on some sort of other work assignment for the School. Please let them know and be sure they are aware of what is required if they need to take something with them.
There are a limited number of Sprint mobile hotspots available to students. If you hear of a student with internet connectivity issues, please have them call 812-855-8187 or email and they will help triage that best option to help them get online.
Comcast has also announced free internet for low-income students. Learn more here. The open academic buildings on each campus will also have signage and protocol in place to help practice social distancing in computer labs.
IU’s University Information Technology Services Networks division has set up what are being called “lot-hot-spots” that enable users to maintain social distancing while accessing the internet from their cars. WiFi is now operational in the signed area within the Orange parking lot between Memorial Stadium and Assembly Hall. The service will allow anyone full internet use from their personal devices.
Thursday, March 26
SUBJ: Dean's Message to Undergraduate Students
We are glad that you are back engaged with us in the School of Education.
I want to thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to work through these unprecedented times. Our goal is to make your educational journey successful because we recognize that students like you are the most vital component of this university and hope for a brighter future.
Your academic advisors, faculty members, and Office of Teacher Education staff are available to help answer your questions now and for the rest of the semester. We ask for your patience as we are receiving an unusually high volume of emails, and we ask for your flexibility as we adjust plans with the evolving situation to serve you.
Even as the normal order has been upended, I want you to know that our faculty and staff have been working hard to make sure you have the information needed within a timely manner. IU leadership continues to work to answer your questions and solve issues as a result of these changes.
The situation is rapidly changing and we want to make sure that you have the most accurate and up-to-date information. To assist with this, we’ve created a webpage at to try to keep all the pertinent information in one place.
Your willingness and compassion to move beyond our normal routines is a testament to our potential to continue to discover what is possible. I am proud to be with you as your dean. Remember, IU has been around for over 200 years, and we will be here for many more because we are #IndianaStrong.
Lemuel W. Watson Dean and Provost Professor
Wednesday, March 25
SUBJ: Mail Delivery
Here are some updates regarding the delivery of mail and packages to the School as well as procedures for future orders:
USPS Mail – Effective immediately, the USPS will be holding SoE mail for delivery until further notice. If there is something that someone needs in the mail, only a member of IUB Mail Services will be able to connect with the postmaster to retrieve it. SoE staff will NOT be able to pick up mail directly from the post office. If you do find that you need a mail item, please contact me for assistance.
Current enroute UPS and FedEx packages – Please use tracking numbers to intervene delivery immediately and proceed with changing the delivery address to a home address.
BUY.IU orders - Suppliers will continue to ship items to the "Ship to" address specified on the Purchase Order (PO) they receive. Orders will not automatically be forwarded to a new address. Contact the supplier immediately if goods must be shipped to a different address. Shipped orders which cannot be delivered, due to no staff at the location to receive or sign for the order, may result in restocking fees charged to your department. POs in BUY.IU do not contain tracking or other shipment information. You must contact the supplier to verify whether items have been shipped and when they are expected to arrive. Use the following link for any BUY.IU questions.
NOTE - If you are receiving packages at your home, please do the following: keep a detailed log of all packages received, save all packing slips, and notify ETS when appropriate.
Thank you,
Amber Hill
Wednesday, March 25
SUBJ: Message from Dean Watson to Faculty and Staff
Dear School of Education Colleagues,
I want to thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to update you on a daily basis about our changing world. I recognize that these are challenging times for everyone.
As I walk my dog each morning, I am reminded that there is some order and continuity in the world. It’s spring, and I am reminded that life continues to unfold in its magical way with each type of flower I encounter. I continue to know that there is universal Divine Order as I listen to the birds sing their beautiful songs along the way. It seems to me that the birds are singing extra loud and long to ease our spirits and to give us good cheer.
During these times of quarantine, I hope that you will take a moment to pause, to sit just a little longer, to watch your pet, to watch your children, to connect to each other while you remain at your dinner table a little longer. Find the silver lining in this time as we continue to give good thoughts to those who might be suffering in the world. What we can do more than anything else is to be socially responsible by adhering to the Governor’s stay-at-home order.
The School of Education leadership team has been wonderful at trying to make sure that you have the information needed in a timely manner. There’s been a lot of messages going out and to ensure that you have access to the most up-to-date information, we have created a webpage to help at
The university leadership continues to work around the clock for all of our benefits. Faculty, your dedication to students is certainly recognized as you prepare to teach from an alternative format. Your willingness and compassion to move beyond what is normal is a testament to our potential to continue to serve, teach, and discover what is possible.
Staff members continue to be those professionals who are silent warriors to support the efforts of all of us who call Wendell W. Wright Building our home. Thank you for your flexibility and your willingness to serve where you are needed.
As we gear up for the continuation of classes next week, I hope that you know that you have been prepared to do great things, and you have the support within the School and University to help in all situations. I hope that you will be curious over the next few weeks about this change in our work: how does it show up in you as a person and professional, how does it change pedagogy, how does it change your research or scholarship?
Most importantly, please remember that technology is only a tool. Therefore, just breathe if something does not work exactly the way it should at first. Be aware that we are all growing and developing during these times. Please take care of yourselves and your loved ones, and be compassionate with all of our students and partners.
I am proud to be with you as we move into this new era of learning, teaching, research, and practice as your dean. Remember, we have been around as Indiana University for over 200 years, and we will be here for many more because we are #IndianaStrong.
Lemuel W. Watson Dean and Provost Professor
Wednesday, March 25
SUBJ: Building Hours
We reported yesterday building hours would be reduced, but were informed this morning by the Campus that ALL buildings on Campus will be locked 24/7 until further notice with the exception of Ballantine Hall. This includes the School of Education.
As with any time the building is locked, faculty and staff can still access the building with your keys. Given the instructions we received from the Campus yesterday, we certainly hope and believe that this should not have a big impact on anyone and given our building will be largely empty it was important to keep it locked for security purposes. So the important thing is to be aware and plan accordingly.
I wanted to pass along further guidance from the University as it relates to working on campus in light of Governor Holcomb’s stay at home order and President McRobbie’s email.
Effective Immediately:
The University has made it clear that we need to have as few people on campus as possible. While the University is not closed, only thoseindividuals who are defined as being “On Campus Essential employees” are allowed to work on campus. All university faculty and staff must be working remotely unless classified as “On Campus Essential” personnel.
On Campus Essential functions include the following:
Teaching: We strongly encourage all faculty and instructors to teach their classes remotely if at all possible. It’s important that we limit the individuals on campus and in the building. HOWEVER, faculty members who MUST come to campus to access their office or lab in order to complete their instruction are cleared to do so.
Researchthat must occur on campus. This might include tending to lab animals and/or other forms of vital research that the University has determined must continue.
Public Safety
Facilities Services and Maintenance
SOME Campus Mail Services
Technology Delivery Personnel(ETS staff who must be on campus to support instruction and/or technology are cleared to come in, if necessary).
Health Care Operations
Student Health and Counseling Centers
Other similarly critical functions deemed necessary by the institution
This means thatall full-time, part-time (temporary), and student hourly staff in our building MUST work remotely beginning tomorrow. This cannot be stated strongly enough.We expect all staff and faculty who are not teaching and/or who can work or host their classes from home to honor the stay at home order and work remotely. We understand that up until now some have preferred to come in because it’s more comfortable or easier due to access to technology, but for this period, this is not an approved reason to come to campus. Please work from home to protect yourself, to protect your colleagues, and to “flatten the curve” during this public health crisis.
Mail Services:
With faculty and staff expected to stay at home and in order to honor the stay at home order, all mail delivery to departments will be temporarily suspended for the next two weeks. We are ensuring that we have a means of securing the mail, and we are still exploring how to manage essential deliveries. More information will be forthcoming in this regard tomorrow.
The building will be open only from 7am – 5pm, however,please remember that only on campus essential personnel should be coming into the building. We want as many people working remotely as possible, so faculty who may want to come into the building to teach a class should do so as a last resort and only if absolutely necessary. For those of you who are teaching and/or in ETS and must access the building, your office key will open the door after hours.
UHR will be advising us of the codes to use if staff need to take a day off due to a COVID-19 related issue. Staff will not be required to use paid time off to cover this time, but still will be paid for this time. If you have a previously scheduled vacation that you still want to take, something that is not related to the COVID-19 issue, then please continue to use the codes PNL and VNL to take time off that will not impact your annual limits. Please look for another communication tomorrow with this information regarding codes to use as it becomes available. In the meantime, feel free to reach out to me and Lisa Dovenbarger if you need to take time off and are not sure what code to use on your ePTO calendar or timesheet. Indiana University is going to extreme measures to ensure that all student workers, temporary employees, staff and faculty remain in full pay status during this time. Please refer toPresident McRobbie’s emailand theIU HR Coronavirus webpagefor more information.
We know that this email does not address every issue, and please know we are working with IU leadership and University Human Resources to get you answers. We will get this information to you as soon as it is available.
Further, starting tomorrow, I will be emailing professional and support staff with a Remote Work Tip of the Day. We have a number of professional development opportunities that have been released, and some helpful hints to make this period a little bit easier. Rather than provide it all in a LONG email, I’ll send out a few resources daily to help.
Friends, this is a challenging time, but we are a community that truly cares for one another and believes in the work we do together. It’s times like these when we truly appreciate the importance of that community, and I thank you for putting up with small screens and these daily frustrations and inconveniences for the good of our school, university and community! How fortunate are we to be part of the best school on campus!!! I appreciate you all!
As issues and questions arise, please email me. I’ll prioritize your message and will assist in any way I can.As always, you can get the most up to date information by visiting thecoronavirus.iu.eduwebpage and/or theHuman Resources Coronavirus FAQ page.
Be well and be safe!
Donna Stevens Director of Human Resources
Monday, March 23
SUBJ: Final Policy on Using S Grades
I am forwarding the Final Policy on using S grades (please read Provost Robel statement below). The Dean’s office (Dean, Associate and Assistant Deans) discussed this policy this morning and came to the following agreement—
For courses where letter grades are typically assigned, instructors should continue to assign letter grades whenever possible.
S grades (in letter graded courses) should only be used in extreme or extraordinary circumstances pertaining to an individual student (not the entire class), and only after consulting with your department chair and Jill Shedd for undergraduate courses or Sarah Lubienski for graduate courses. I am also available to discuss these cases any time. In the rare case an instructor must assign a grade of S to a graduate student, the University Graduate School will allow the course to count toward the student’s program of study.
Please let me know if you have questions.
Ginette Delandshere Executive Associate Dean
- - - - - - Begin forwarded message:
From: "Robel, Lauren Kay" <> Date: March 20, 2020 at 8:47:43 PM EDT
S is intended as an option for faculty members when they know a student has done enough to pass a course, but do not have the ability to do a more nuanced evaluation
Faculty have discretion to use the S in ways consistent with (i.) with the dean’s approval.
S/F is not intended for broad use in an entire class unless the school or the College approves.
This option takes the place of the usual P/F option. Students who need the accommodation of an S instead of a letter grade should speak to their faculty members directly. Some students will require a letter grade for other purposes.
This semester, S grades will count towards all requirements.
For further direction, speak to your academic associate dean.
This policy was adopted in consultation with the Executive Committee of the Bloomington Faculty Council under the authorization of the Bloomington Faculty Council Bylaws, Section 17 A. vii. c. as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic. It will remain in effect through August 15, 2020.
Lauren Robel Executive Vice President and Provost
Monday, March 23
SUBJ: Follow up to President McRobbie's Message
I am sure by now you have seen President McRobbie's message sent a short time ago. We are so fortunate to work for an institution that is doing everything possible to care for employees who may be affected by the ongoing COVID-19 situation.
We are in communication with the University leadership regarding the impact of these changes, and I’m sure many of you have questions. If you do, please feel free to send those to me. I will be attending a zoom meeting with UHR leadership in the morning, and will be in touch with the school following that meeting with additional information or clarifications. We will do everything we can to make sure your questions are addressed as quickly as possible so you remain informed.
We know this is a time of great uncertainty and concern, and we so appreciate the grace and patience that you have all exhibited. I will be in touch tomorrow afternoon to address questions related to these new developments.
Thank you,
Donna Stevens Director of Human Resources
Friday, March 20
Dean Watson talks about the challenges presented by the coronavirus (COVID 19) and what the IU School of Education is doing in response to the crisis.
Wednesday, March 18
Dear SOE Community,
We are operating with care and intention to serve all of you. I know that there are many questions, and I especially want you to know that the Indiana University leadership team and our School of Education Leadership team are making decisions with care, compassion, and empathy for everyone involved.
If students have questions, please feel free to email your advisor, faculty, or department chair. We are here for your safety and success, and we value you and are here to serve you.
Our faculty continue to enhance our online capacity to support the learning environments for all students in all programs. I thank all of our instructional staff and the faculty for their diligence to have a highly quality educational experience for the remainder of the semester.
The School of Education staff continues to serve our community remotely and at the SoE when appropriate. Our staff continues to be student- and faculty-centered to make sure they serve in a compassionate way.
Please make sure that each of you read the messages coming from the University, Provost, and Vice Presidents in order to keep updated.
Important websites to read daily would be the following: