Two faculty honored by their students with IU award

James Brooks (left) and Andrés Pérez-Rojas

Faculty members James Brooks and Andrés Pérez-Rojas were the recipients of the university-wide Faculty Mentor Award from IU’s Graduate and Professional Student Government.  

The award is a unique one in that students nominate faculty that they believe deserve special recognition for exemplary behavior. 

“This is among the greatest honors I have received. You pour into your students hoping to get things right and nothing is more affirming than receiving messages large and small that say ‘I see your effort and it is appreciated,’” Brooks said.

“The award means a lot to me. I had no idea that Dr. Brooks and I had been nominated, so this came as an extremely pleasant surprise,” Pérez-Rojas said. “To be recognized by students as worthy of a campus-wide award is just amazing. Who better than them to say that we’re doing a good job or making a difference in their lives? Seriously, I was blown away by their generosity and their nomination.”