New book highlights Nature of Science lessons across grade levels

A new open access book co-edited by Professor Valarie Akerson focuses on how Nature of Science could be taught across different grades and situations.

The book, “Teaching Nature of Science Across Contexts and Grade Levels: Explorations through Action Research and Self Study,” also includes chapters authored by science education online Ed.D. students who are in their second year of the program.

Nature of Science, according to the National Science Teaching Association, is a critical component of scientific literacy that enhances students’ understanding of science concepts and enables them to make informed decisions about scientifically-based personal and societal issues.

"In the book, we have everywhere from Kindergarten to college science courses, as well as online and in person settings. Nature of Science is an element of scientific literacy, and it is critical to be taught across science education at all grade levels. It is important in the field so others who are teaching about Nature of Science can have examples of best practices across grade levels, and understand that students of all levels can conceptualize these ideas,” Akerson explained.