Instructors are strongly urged to distribute a handout to their students at the first meeting of the class that has a link to the course syllabus on Canvas. The syllabus should advise the students of the basic policies of the course, especially how students will be evaluated (students complain that some instructors are vague or noncommittal about their evaluation procedures, or change their grading policy mid-course).
A typical syllabus gives information about the instructor (name, office, office hours, telephone, email); the objectives of the course; instructional resources (books, films, speakers, etc.); a calendar of topics, assignments, and tests; and a description of evaluation policies (policy on make-up examinations, the exact weighting of tests, papers, class participation and so on, for the calculation of the course grade). Instructors may also wish to add a statement of their personal policy concerning academic misconduct. For campus policies, see the Code of Student Ethics.