Check-in Process
- Although masks will be optional at all campuses beginning March 4, 2022, we are still requesting that Parents/Guardians and children please continue to wear masks when inside the building.
- If a class goes outside and the children are able to be spread out some, then wearing masks will be optional.
- We will continue to complete check in separate from the classrooms and ask that parents/guardians do not take their children directly to the classroom in the morning. Please come to the 2nd floor Balcony area (near the stairs by the elevators) to sign your child in. An instructor from each class will pick them up.
- We will continue to wipe down/sanitize high touch areas in the classrooms before and after class.
- We will also continue to reduce congestions in the hallways and bathrooms by designating different times for classes to travel to these, or to travel in small groups.
*NOTE: the elevators will continue to only be used by families who have a physical need.
Check-Out Process
- Again, although masks will be optional at all campuses beginning March 4, 2022, we are still requesting that Parents/Guardians and children please continue to wearmasks when inside the building.
- Come to the second-floor balcony area for check out. At 11:30am the onsite coordinator will begin to radio to classes for students who have been signed out and an instructor will bring your child/ren down to you on the 2nd floor.
- Parents/Guardians will be asked to show photo ID to pick up the children; especially if the person picking them up is different from the person who is dropping them off in the morning.
NOTE: Should COVID protocols change on campus during the Spring program, and masks or social distancing become a requirement again, the Saturday Science program will follow suit to abide by all campus health and safety requirements.