The undergraduate records area in the Office of Teacher Education is responsible for accurately maintaining the academic file for School of Education undergraduate students. We are the Education branch of the Office of the Registrar.
All advising notes, email correspondences, requests to the Academic Standards Committee, as well as any other correspondence pertaining to the student’s academic record are kept in this file.
As the instructor, you have a right to access a student’s file, based on a legitimate educational interest/need to know. Indiana University strictly follows FERPA regulations. Please refer to the FERPA information sheet for references to what types of information may and may not be released. If you find that you are being asked by parents or anyone else outside the university to discuss confidential information, please make sure the student has signed a Release of Student Information Consent Form before releasing any information. Those forms are available for the student to sign in the Records area of the Office of Teacher Education.
Maintenance of class rosters and submission of grades is handled electronically.
The Office of the Registrar will communicate with each instructor concerning maintenance of the class roster. The instructor of record is responsible for maintaining accurate roster information.
- A student on the official roster who is not attending class (instructor will need to verify last day of attendance) and
- A student who is attending class, but who is not on the official roster. If a student’s name is not on the official roster, the student is not properly registered or may not be eligible to enroll in your class.