Measures of Success

Our student-teaching philosophy is simple: the more time you spend in real classrooms, the better

Through our early field experiences program, students have the opportunity to work beside exceptional educators in their own classrooms as early as their second semester. Because of this wealth of experience, our graduates are extremely well-prepared as they begin their careers, as evidenced by the 95% of candidates who have met state licensure requirements over the last four years.

98%of graduates are employed or continuing their education

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24Indiana Teacher of the Year award recipients

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95%of graduates from the last five years would recommend the Teacher Education Program

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Employment Outcomes »

94.8% of our graduates from the last five years were employed within their first year of graduating. 87.1% were employed as teachers.

23 Teacher of the Year Award Recipients »

Our graduates are regularly named the best teachers in the state for their innovative and creative approaches to educating students. 23 Indiana Teacher of the Year award recipients have come through the IU School of Education.

Graduate Survey »

Each year the School of Education distributes a graduate survey to BSED alumni two years after graduation. For the 2020-21 Post-Graduate Survey:

  • 95% of survey respondents from the last five years said they would recommend the IU School of Education’s Teacher Education Program to others.
  • 84% (149 of 177 graduates) were employed as teachers.

According to our graduates, the strengths of our Teacher Education program include:

  • Small class sizes
  • Getting into classrooms as a sophomore
  • Strong faculty and academic advisors
  • Lots of experience collaborating with others
  • Cultural Immersions/Global Gateway

I learned so much through my courses, and I felt extremely prepared to enter the teaching profession post graduation. I took advantage of many extra opportunities and workshops outside of the regular course load, and those were very beneficial.

Teacher Evaluations »

According to the most recent IDOE staff performance evaluations (2019-20), 96.8% of teachers who completed the IU School of Education's Teacher Education program were rated effective or highly effective after just 1 year of teaching. That number increases to 100% after 3 years of experience.

Student Teaching »

Consistent strengths noted by both the candidates and their supervising teachers between 2015-2020 include: preparation to assume classroom teaching responsibilities, to teach their subject/content area, to integrate state college and career-ready standards into lesson plans, and to provide feedback to guide students’ further learning. Overall, both the teacher candidates and supervising teachers' ratings consistently were agree to strongly agree with respect to the candidates’ preparation to student teach.