Michael Molenda

Associate Professor Emeritus

Learning, Design, and Adult Education
Academic Programs:
Instructional Systems Technology
ED 2214

About Me

Michael Molenda is now retired from teaching in Instructional Systems Technology at Indiana University (1972-2005) but continues to live in Bloomington and to do research and writing.

He is co-author of the first five editions of Instructional Media and the New Technologies of Instruction, co-editor of AECT’s 2008 definition book, Educational Technology: A Definition with Commentary, co-author of the chapter on “Instruction” in Handbook of Human Performance Technology, 3rd ed.

He contributed encyclopedia articles on Behaviorism, Reinforcement, Practice, Discovery Learning, Transfer, Individualized Instruction, Self-Directed Learning, Innovation, Open Education, and Visual & Pictorial Learning for AECT’s 2013 Encyclopedia of Terminology for Educational Communications and Technology.

He has written numerous encyclopedia articles and book chapters on instruction and instructional design. He is currently preparing a book, Elements of Instruction: Building Blocks of Lesson Design, for Taylor & Francis Publishers.

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