| Suzanne Eckes, J.D., Ph.D. is a professor in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at Indiana University. Her research focuses on how civil rights laws influence education policy for historically marginalized populations in schools. |
 | Janet Decker, J.D., Ph.D. is an assistant professor in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at Indiana University. Her research focuses on legal and policy issues in special education, charter schools, and legal literacy of educators and administrators. |
 | Dionne Danns, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, IU School of Education |
 | John Borkowski, J.D. is a partner at Husch Blackwell law firm in Chicago and has represented public school districts, colleges and universities, and other non-profits and businesses in the education sector for nearly three decades. His experience covers a wide range of civil rights and educational funding issues. |
 | Dena Cushenberry, Ed.D. has served in a wide variety of school and district administrative roles, including, most recently, as the superintendent of MSD Warren Township. She is an Indiana University Distinguished Alumna and currently serves as a consultant to Pinellas County Schools in Florida, and Education Elements in San Francisco, CA. |
 | Wayne Haglund, J.D. of the Haglund Law Firm, P.C., is president of the Education Law Association and has practiced education law in Texas since 1975, representing public K-12 school districts and community colleges, and serving as outside counsel to a university. He has been recognized as a Texas Super Lawyer in education law every year since 2004 by Texas Monthly and Law and Politics. |
 | Stephen Seedorf, Ed.D. is the principal of Frontier Academy Secondary in Greeley, CO. His research focuses on charter school law related to students with special needs and mental health support services. |
 | Allison Fetter-Harrott, J.D., Ph.D. is the Elmon and Lucile Williams Endowed Chair in Law and Public Service and assistant professor of political science at Franklin College. Her teaching and research focus on U.S. law and government, with special attention to civil rights and education law. |
 | Martha McCarthy, Ph.D. is a Presidential Professor in Educational Leadership at Loyola Marymount University and Chancellor’s Professor Emeritus in Education Leadership and Policy Studies at Indiana University. Her research focuses on reform in leadership preparation programs and educational law and policy, including First Amendment issues pertaining to church/state relations and expression rights of students and school employees. |
 | Séamus Boyce, J.D. is a partner with Church Church Hittle + Antrim where he has a law practice representing schools and educational entities. He is a frequent presenter, writer and contributor for many education-related professional associations. |
 | Kevin McKenna, J.D. is a managing partner at Latsha Davis & McKenna, P.C. in Exton, PA. He primarily practices in the area of charter schools and education law, and counsels his clients regarding school safety, search and seizures, armed school police officers, school resource officers and school security guards. Latsha Davis & McKenna, P.C. represents numerous schools throughout Pennsylvania. |
 | Hardy Murphy, Ph.D. is clinical faculty in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at IUPUI and the Center on Education and Lifelong Learning at Indiana University, and the executive director of the Indiana Urban Schools Association. His teaching and research focus on culturally responsive practices and issues of disparity in discipline, teacher and principal evaluation, and educational equity. |
 | Jacqueline A. Stefkovich, Ed.D., J.D. is professor emerita at The Pennsylvania State University (Department of Educational Policy Studies) and an independent scholar/consultant. Her research focuses on ethical decision making as well as students’ rights and school leaders’ responsibilities under the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (search and seizure). |
 | Jennifer Rippner, J.D., Ph.D. is a visiting lecturer at IU’s School of Education, concentrating on K-12 and higher education law courses. She has experience in P-16 policy and law as charter school administrator, in state government agencies, and in a national education law firm focusing on issues of access and diversity in higher education. |
 | Susan Bon, J.D., Ph.D. is the Faculty Civility Advocate and Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policies at the University of South Carolina. She has authored and co-authored over 50 articles and book chapters focused on the impact of law and ethics on leadership and special education leadership in K-12 schools and higher education institutions. |
 | Christine Kiracofe, Ed.D. is an associate professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies and Director of Higher Education at Purdue University. Her research focuses on the intersection of education law and finance as it applies to both K-12 and higher educational institutions. She is on the board of directors of the Education Law Association and serves as co-author of Education Law into Practice. |
 | Elizabeth T. Lugg, J.D., Ph.D. is an associate professor in Educational Administration and Foundations at Illinois State University. Her research focuses on First Amendment issues in the schools, specifically religion and freedom of speech. |
 | Mark Paige, J.D., Ph.D. is an associate professor of public policy at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth. He researches labor and employment law, collective bargaining, and general education law issues. Before becoming a professor, he represented school districts throughout New England as a school law attorney on issues before federal and state courts, including the New Hampshire Supreme Court. |
 | Angela Balsley, Ed.D. is the Executive Director of Earlywood Educational Services, a special education cooperative in Franklin, IN. Her recent research, leadership, and legislative advocacy have focused on special education dispute resolution. |