CEEP examines student engagement

Since 2004, CEEP has partnered with the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) to provide member schools with valid and meaningful data on student engagement needed to inform policies and practices. The results of the surveys provide approximately 90 high schools and 60 middle schools with information regarding students' attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs about their school work, the school learning environment, and their interactions with the school community.​ Surveys are conducted each academic year and the number of schools participating nationwide grows each year. A revised version of the High School Survey of Student Engagement (HSSSE) was released in 2012, and the Middle Grades Survey of Student Engagement (MGSSE) was created in 2016 to accommodate the interest of NAIS in learning more about grades 5 through 9.

CEEP welcomes the opportunity to work with interested school districts, state departments of education, state and national organizations, and foundations to develop large-scale research and evaluation studies of middle grades and/or high school student engagement. These studies may include MGSSE, HSSSE, as well as other data collection methods developed by CEEP in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.