$327,000 gift supports Direct Admit Scholars program at IU School of Education

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Indiana University School of Education is the beneficiary of a $327,000 gift from the estate of Donald A. and Ardith M. Jones in support of student scholarships.

Ardith Jones (M.S. ’50) enjoyed a 32-year career as a teacher spanning positions at Hamlet School in Hamlet, Ind., Indianapolis Public School No. 51, Liberty High School in Liberty, Ind., and Smithville Elementary, Headley School and Broadview Elementary in Bloomington. Donald Jones was an assistant professor emeritus in the Indiana University School of Education. Before his time at Indiana University, Donald taught at Morristown and Lawrence Central high schools and was principal at Liberty Elementary, Hamlet and Unionville schools.

The gift will support the Indiana University School of Education’s Direct Admit Scholars Program. Started in 2009 on a pilot basis, the program is designed to recruit and prepare promising future teachers while offering as much as $46,000 in scholarships over four years. Students with very high GPA and SAT or ACT scores who are admitted to IU intending to complete an education major are invited to apply.

Direct Admit Scholars take rigorous courses in their subject area and preliminary education coursework starting their first semester. They also have additional access to alumni and other educational mentors and, once they complete minimum state and institutional requirements, are guaranteed admission to the major program of their choice.

“Maintaining excellence in the quality of students entering our teacher education programs is a top priority for the School of Education,” said Gerardo González, dean of the School of Education. “This gift will help us bring more of the best and the brightest to the school and support their ability to succeed academically and professionally as teachers.”

The IU School of Education’s fourth highly selective class of Direct Admit Scholars will begin classes this fall and represents the school’s commitment to academic excellence and diversity. The fall 2012 class of 88 Direct Admit Scholars boasts an average SAT of 1220 and high school GPA of 3.85, with 14 percent intending to major in a field of math or science. Twelve percent of the class is African-American, Hispanic, Native American or multi-racial. First-generation college students make up 19 percent of the cohort. Additionally, the class includes a Wells Scholar (among the most prestigious and competitive academic scholarships of any American university) and The Indianapolis Star’s 2012 "Sportswoman of the Year.”

About the IU School of Education

The IU School of Education is one of the world’s premier programs for preparing tomorrow's teachers, counselors, school psychologists, educational leaders, curriculum designers and educational scholars. Its mission is to improve teaching, learning and human development in a global, diverse, rapidly changing and increasingly technological society. It has more than 68,000 alumni, including the 2012 and 2011 Indiana Teachers of the Year. U.S. News and World Report ranks the school 21st overall and four of its degree programs in the top 10 nationally.