Lesson Plan 1

Grade: 2nd and 3rd Week: 1

Topic: Solar Eclipse

Lesson Objectives:

  • Students will be able to explain the components of a solar eclipse.

  • Students will be able to explain what happens during an eclipse.


Lesson Description


Create your own Name Tag! (Plus sharing)

-Students will create their own name tag to wear during the time together.

Once the nametags are made, students will share with each other.


Story time: “What is a Solar Eclipse?” By Dana Meachen Rau

-Pages 1-5


Questions and sharing thoughts

-Students will share their thoughts, questions, concerns, and curiosity

associated with the book or solar eclipse.


Intro video

-Students will view a Youtube video explaining the solar eclipse.


Paper models

-Students will receive a worksheet that creates an eclipse paper model.

The students will color the pieces, cut out the pieces, and call on an

instructor once they are finished by raising their hand. With the instructor's

help, brads will be added to complete the model.


Brain/bathroom break


Box models

-In groups, students will create a box model of the eclipse. Using the

materials provided, the students will assemble a 3-D model of the eclipse.

Students can manipulate the model to represent the moon’s orbit.



-In groups, students will write and draw what they have learned during

their time with the instructors. Once the groups have completed

writing/drawing their thoughts. The posters will be shared with the class.

Materials List

Lesson Plan Week 2

Grade: 2nd and 3rd Week: 2

Topic: Solar Eclipse

Lesson Objectives:

  • Students will be able to explain and identify the layers of the sun.

  • Students will be able to understand why we can see the corona during an eclipse.

  • Students will be able to explain the importance of safety when viewing the eclipse.


Lesson Description


Coloring Activity/Writing Activity of Predicted Observations

-Students will be provided with a coloring sheet of the Sun while waiting on

their classmates. During the last moments of the activity, the students will

be asked to write their predicted experience during the solar eclipse on the

back of the sheet.


Story time: “Sun! One in a Billion” By Stacy McAnulty

-Whole book


Short videos over inner and outer layers of the sun


Corona chalk art

-Students will be given a paper circle, chalk, and a sheet of black

construction paper. After creating chalk dust on the paper circle, the dust

will be pushed off the circle to create an image of the sun’s corona.


Short safety presentation

10:30- 11:15ish

Cardboard box observers

-Students will use a cereal box and other materials to create a safe way to

view the sun.


Discussion about Expectations

-Students will share the expectations they wrote at the beginning of the

morning. A group discussion of the expectations will occur in preparation

for the upcoming solar eclipse.

11:10 - Pickup


-The students will continue working on the posters from week 1. They will

be asked to write and draw what they have learned during their time with

the instructors. Once students have completed their thoughts, the posters

will be shared to the rest of the class.

Materials List

Lesson Plan Week 3

Grade: 2nd and 3rd Week: 3

Topic: Reflection on Experiences & Temperature

Lesson Objectives:

  • Students will recall and reflect on their solar eclipse experience.

  • Students will compare their experience to their classmates.

  • Students will be able to understand the Sun’s heat and impact on the Earth.

  • Students will be able to identify animals' evening routines/ habits.


Lesson Description

9:30- 9:50

Experience Charts

-Students will write descriptive words on individual post-it notes according

to the labeled charts: What did you see? (sight), What did you hear?

(hearing), What did you feel? (touch), Overall Rating, Did it meet your

expectations?, Odd Animal Behavior

9:50- 10:20

Discussion over observations (Charts & Images)

-Students and educators will discuss the responses to the charts.

Additionally, students will view images captured from the event.

10:20- 10:25

Brain Break & Restrooms

10:25- 11:10

Station 1:Temperature Model Lab

- Students will investigate the influence of an object that blocks light on the

temperature. Groups will be provided a box of sand with a heat lamp.

Students will then build obstacles that block some of the light. They will

then observe the temperature with their hand by feeling the sand that was

in direct light versus the sand that was covered.

  • Each group will receive different instructions on what their

obstacle must include. This will allow each group to see

how different obstacles (full coverage), partial coverage,

holes, etc.) affect the temperature.

Station 2: Eclipse Mystery

-Students will use provided clues to match a real-world encounter of the

solar eclipse. These clues will include the following: the path of totality,

location of encounter, weather of location, percentage of covering, etc.

(What did Great Grandma see the day of the eclipse?)

11:10- 11:20

Discussion over Stations

11:20- pickup

-Students will compare their results from the sand lab as a whole group. The real-world response will be revealed.


-The students will continue working on the posters. They will be asked to write and draw what they have learned during their time with the instructors, along with their experience during the eclipse.

Materials List

  • 1 box of sand with short sides

  • Cardboard/paper for building obstacles

  • Skewers or straws for building obstacles

  • 1 tape roll

  • 1 heat lamp

  • 1 light bulb for heat lamp

  • 6 large sheets of paper (anchor chart size)

  • Coloring materials

  • Post-it notes

  • Paper files for station 2

Lesson Plan Week 4

Grade: 2nd and 3rd Week: 4

Topic: Moon Phases

Lesson Objectives:

- Students will be able to explain each moon phase including the names.


Lesson Description


Moon Phase Worksheet

-Student will receive an activity sheet of the moon phases. Students

should color the indicated sections while waiting on the remaining class.


Story Time: “Moon! Earth’s Best Friend” By Stacy McAnulty

-whole book

10:05- 10:10

Educational video & Discussion

-Link in materials

10:10- 10:25

Phases of the moon presentation

-Students will learn about the moon phases, their names, and how the

phases occur.

10:25- 10:45

Completion of Moon Phase Worksheet

-Students will complete their worksheets as a whole group. The

completion will include moon phase labels, orbitals time, and the moon’s

impact on the Earth.

10:45- 10:50

Bathroom Break & Brain Break

10:50- 11:20

Moon phases activity

-Students will receive a black piece of paper, a popsicle stick, and a lump

of shaving cream. Following along with the instructor, the students will

manipulate the shaving cream to create the phases of the moon.

11:20- 11:30

“Where’s the Moon?” Movement Teaching

-Students will learn a song about the phases of the moon. Along with the

song, students will learn a dance to help memorize the song/phases of the


11:30- pickup


-Students will continue to work on their posters from week 1. The student

will be instructed to write or draw thoughts from the current week’s

activities and discussions. Once the students have completed their thoughts, the posters will be shared with the rest of the class.

Materials List

  • Moon phases presentation

  • 2-3 cans of shaving cream (for whole class)

  • Sheet of black construction paper (1 per person)

  • Popsicle sticks (2 per person)

  • Moon phase worksheet (1 per student)

  • Coloring materials

  • Music/movement presentation

  • Posters

  • Educational Video: https://youtu.be/BQvo7vyCmuE?si=UmAQUsCk2ux9P06a

  • Copy of “Moon! Earth’s Best Friend” By Stacy McAnulty